AM/RF DR Labels - Anti Theft System

Anti Theft System
Anti Theft System
Anti Theft System
Anti Theft System
Anti Theft System
Anti Theft System

Buy AM/RF Labels in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, UAE at the Best Price

It's critical to understand that AM and RF labels aren't merely two different kinds of tags. You couldn't deactivate one of these tags with an LM tag deactivator because they truly describe two different systems (or any old alarm tag deactivator, for that matter). Nevertheless, their foundation is the same. AM labels, also known as acousto magnetic labels, use a transmitter to give out signals in bursts. These signals energise tags that are present in the pedestal zone, and the tags react when the pulse is over. A receiver in the meantime picks up the signal from the tag. However, an alarm sounds whenever an active tag moves between receivers.The basis for radio frequency, or RF, labelling is the same. If the tags come too close to a receiver, which they communicate with through an antenna or receiver, an alert will ring. Posinuae supplies AM/RF Labels Electronic Anti Theft System across Dubai, Abu Dhabi, UAE, the Middle East & Africa.


For AM systems using the 58KHz frequency band, the Sensormatic-style Label, sometimes known as a "chicklet label," provides dependable performance and goods protection. This Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) anti-theft label, which is available in White with a fake barcode printed on it, has a strong design for reliable detecting capabilities to stop shoplifting. It is simple to use and provides reliable deactivation at the point of sale (POS). In Dubai, UAE, Abu Dhabi & the Middle East Posinuae supplies the best Sensormatic AM Roll Label


Retailers and stores can use the Radio Frequency (RF) security labels and stickers from Sensormatic to prevent theft and shoplifting. Our Sensormatic RF retail security labels safeguard difficult-to-tag items, packaged goods, cosmetics, medications, and more using RF retail systems. Our RF labels are simple to use for source tagging or application in-store. Three different type of Sensormatic RF Roll Lables are : SENSORMATIC- RF 30x30mm ROLL LABELS, SENSORMATIC- RF 40x40mm Roll Label, SENSORMATIC- RF 33mm Round Roll Label.